
Poe Slot Calculator

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Welcome to the guide exile. In this guide, we are going to be looking at the extremely powerful and intricate tool, Path of Building. I cannot speak enough about how useful this tool is and all the valuable information it provides. Path of Building is a deep and all encompassing offline build planner. It allows you to not only plan out your Passive Tree, but it also allows you to set up skill gems, crafted items and configurations to see your final expected offensive and defensive stats, such as your Damage or total Life. This is invaluable when creating a build from scratch, as you can now see how viable it may be before completely investing not only currency, but time into it. It also saves you massive amounts of headaches for seeing which skills, gems or items may give you better damage or defenses as this tool does all the calculations for you! Even all of the hidden and mind boggling ailment calculations!

On Top of all this, you can also import existing characters from any public profile, allowing you to see and tweak a current build to really min-max it! Maybe changing out a gem or weapon to see what your next best value upgrade is!

I would like to deeply thank the developer Openarl for all his work on this tool, along with all the consistent and frequent updates to ensure proper calculations and integrations of new items and mechanics. I highly suggest visiting his Patreon page (https://www.patreon.com/openarl) to support him in his quest to provide us PoE Connoisseurs with this amazing tool.

Now to get the tool, we simply have to head over to the Github release page for Path of Building. This can be found by following the link in the description (https://github.com/Openarl/PathOfBuilding/releases). From here, it is a simple download and install via the installer executable. After the tool is installed, it can be opened like any other software via its desktop icon or from the start menu.

Getting Started

When first opening Path of Building, you will be faced with a blank build, looking an empty passive tree. In this guide, we will be taking a look at my existing Generic Slayer Build from my video ‘Creating a Build’ within Path of Building to see how we can craft, adjust and examine a build! Starting from an existing build makes the tool easier to understand, rather than completely starting a new.

If you do not have a build already, or want to follow along, you can import the build in the following manner:

  1. Click on the Import/Export Build button in the top left
  2. Click Import from Pastebin
  3. Paste the Pastebin link in the description into the dialogue (https://pastebin.com/NLkuvSJV).
  4. Click Import, and code should validate
  5. Click Import again to import the build

Now before we start messing around with the build, let’s take a look at the global UI from left to right, top to bottom, what information it provides and what options we have.

Top Bar

Here we can first see the build name. We can also Save & Save As the current build. We will want to save the build we just imported, so press save and name the build whatever you would like to. To the right of these buttons are your allotted skill points, character level, class and ascendancy selections. Note: It is important to ensure you adjust your character level to its endgame level so you will have appropriate accuracy and life calculations.

Side Bar

The buttons on the top allow you to view the other tabs in the tool. These are Build Import & Export, Notes, Configuration, Tree, Skills, Items and Calcs. We will be reviewing these tabs in the coming sections.

Underneath these tab buttons is where you can select the Act II Bandit rewards.

Below that is where you select your Main Skill. This, once you have a skill placed into the Skills tab, will allow you to see the offensive stats for that skill in the Stat Compilation window below the selection.

The Stat Compilation window will show the following:

  1. Average Damage & Damage per Second values for your selected Main Skill, along with any ailments that may be included along with it. Accuracy, Attack Speed and Mana Cost are also displayed.
  2. Attribute Totals, along with gear or skill gem attribute requirements if your attribute totals are below them.
  3. Total Life and Mana along with their Regeneration,Degeneration values and Aura Reservations.
  4. Innate Stats such as Armour, Energy Shield and Evasion, along with their total % Increases, Flat Values and Final Predicted Mitigations(Mitigations are based on level & configuration tab settings)
  5. Resistance values including the final -60% penalty that is received at the end of Act X, along with overcap values.

This stat compilation window has a lot of information condensed down into a readable form you can keep an eye on while speccing out your passive tree, adding gems or modifying items. More in-depth information about stats and calculations made in this window can be seen in the Calcs tab.

You can use the Check for Update button to ensure the tool is up to date. For the most part, the tool self checks for updates, and will notify you when an update is ready.

Finally, the Options tab provides a few quick selections for display options for passive node power color (for color blindness) and number formatting.

Now let us first take a look at the Passive Tree.

Passive Tree

Within the Passive Tree tab, we have access to the regular passive tree, along with Ascendancies strewn about the sides. As mentioned before, in the top bar we can select our character level, class and ascendancy. For the build we are looking at, we are going to be planning for level 90 with a Duelist Slayer. In general, your chosen Ascendancy Tree will be right outside the regular passive tree from where your Class is located and it will be highlighted. Like with all other tree planners, we can allocated and deallocate points as well as import and export trees and search for nodes in the bottom bar. Along with all of this, we also get very informative tooltips with every node that we hover over!

When hovering over any node in the tree, you can see the exact flat and percentage values that node and preceding nodes will provide you. This means you can precisely say which path or set of nodes is worth getting! This is a more in-depth version of the Point Value system I described for picking up nodes in my Creating a Build video. To ensure that you take the correct pathing to a node, you can also hold down shift while hovering over the path of nodes you wish to take to the final node, otherwise the tool will calculate and take the shortest path to the chosen node.

Along with these informative tooltips, we can also visualize our best options for passive nodes by checking off Show Node Power in the bottom bar of the UI. This will re-color the nodes to a heat map of sorts. The deeper and brighter the red, the more effective damage that node will give you. The deeper and brighter the blue, the more effective defense that node will give you. If the node is completely dark, it does not provide any meaningful bonuses to the build. As mentioned previously, this color can be changed in the options menu. This is an excellent way to quickly visualize which way you should head in the tree to get the best gains for your build!

The tree also will display what threshold jewels are supported for all jewel sockets, as well as all of the possible radius’ (small, medium and large) visualized.

In the bottom left of the passive tree window, you can select and manage which trees you would like to look at and edit. This means you can have numerous trees within your build to compare which may be better or provide leveling trees for sharing you build with others!

For our Slayer build, we can make a few adjustments on the tree to squeak out some more damage and life!

  • Grab Vitality Void for the +5% increased Maximum Life Leech Rate.
  • We swap around the pathing near the marauder endurance charge to pick up the .2% Life Regenerated per Endurance Charge.
  • Drop the 4% life nodes from the Marauder start,and 1 Endurance Charge to grab 2 more Jewel Sockets above the Marauder and to the left of the Templar.

This will result in having more total % life as well as gaining more damage at the loss of 4% physical mitigation. This also nets us some passive intelligence investment from the tree, allowing us to drop the Brute Force unique jewel from the Marauder Jewel socket from the build.

Now to move over to the skills tab to see how we can add, modify and adjust our skill selections.


In this tab, we have a main window labeled Socket Groups. Pressing New will create a new socket group that you can add skill gems and supports to. You are able to label this group and choose which gear item you wish to have it socketed in. Choosing the gear piece to socket it in can be important if you are using an item that boosts or makes use of socketed gems, which can alter the skills damage calculations. Otherwise, it is just for planning.

You can simply add a new gem to the group by typing its name into the Gem Name bar. When you add a skill gem to the group, you are able to then select that gem from the Main Skill drop down menu on the left sidebar. This is important to do when adding support gems to that skill, as by default support gems are sorted by DPS.The support gems will only sort by DPS correctly when that supported skill gem is selected on the side bar.

To the right of the added gems, you may change their level,quality and choose to enable or disable them. When hovering over the enable/disable check box, there is a tooltip that will display flat and percentage values for damage or mitigation gained or lost by use of that gem.


Below the skill gem window, there are a few options you can set. By default, you will always sort gems by DPS, add gems at level 20 and add gems with 0 quality.

It is important to note, that you can add more auras and reservations than you have resources for. This will bring you into red negative resource numbers on the side bar. The tool will still consider these as active and calculate damage accordingly, but of course you would not be able to run these. So make sure to keep an eye on the side bar for your reservations!

For our Slayer build we can shuffle some gems around to benefit our damage:

  • Drop Physical to Lightning for Maim to gain more physical damage, rather than splitting our damage into further elements. This should be your 4th link, then Added Fire, Elemental Damage with Attacks.
  • We will also drop Faster Attacks on our Warchief Totem for Maim.

Our other gems should be fine as they are!

Now that we have a handle on the Passive Tree and Skills tabs, lets get into the Items tab for crafting and adding items to your build.


In the Items tab, we can see an equipped itemset list that we can select and place items into on the left side of the main window. This includes not only gear slots for the character, but flasks and jewels for the passive tree as well. Above this set list, there is also the ability to manage new and existing itemsets. Pressing the Manage button will allow you to create, rename or delete itemsets, such that you can easily swap between setups to compare which itemsets may be better for your build.

To the right of the equipped item set list is a window that contains All Items that you have created or imported into the build. Any items in this list that are not used in the build will be listed with an (unused) tag next to them. Items from this list can be sorted by the order that they are equipped in the current item set, as well as deleted from the list. If you double click on an item, it will present it to the right of the item window, allowing you to edit the item!

Edit Item

For items created in the software, you are able to easily adjust affix values/tiers or completely change which affixes exist on the item, if it is a rare/magic item with the simple drop down menus. Rare & Magic items will have drop down menus for selecting which prefixes & suffixes you wish to select on the item. Uniques will have a single drop down menu for selecting which variable affix you wish to adjust, if that unique has variable affixes. Below each affix drop down menu, once an affix is selected in that drop down, you are able to use the slider bar to adjust the affix value & and consequently it’s tier.

At the bottom of the drop down menus is the Add modifier button, which allows you to add master crafted, essence or custom affixes to the item. The software will not error check whether or not the prefix or suffix is open for your craft, nor if the craft is performed twice or exceeds the number of allowed master crafts on the item when saving, so ensure you pay attention to the number of affixes you have on the item! Along with adding affixes and master crafts to items, you are also able to add Corruption Implicits, as well as Labyrinth Enchantments if it is the correct gear slot.

Now once you are done with editing an item, you can save it by simply pressing the Save button at the top of the item edit. The item will retain the same name as it had previously, but will now have the adjusted stats in the items window and equipped gear slots!

To create or add new items, you can simply search for the item you would like to add in the Item Import window(s) below the All items window or craft an item from scratch from the dialogue to the right of the All Items window. Lets first start with finding a base item from the Item Import window.

Import Item

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Here we can select from all the Unique items in game, or premade Rare items on tier 1 bases. For Unique items, you can filter by gear slot, item base type, league restriction and/or by text search looking at names or modifiers on the item. For Rare items, you can filter by gear slot, item base type, and/or by text search looking at names or modifiers on the item. Once you have found the item or item variant you are looking for, you can simply double click the item to bring it up into the edit dialogue to the right of the All Items window. Here you can edit the item, just like we discussed previously and then save it into the build!

Craft Item

If you want to craft an item from scratch, you can simply press the Craft Item button to the right of the All Items window. This will pop up a dialogue that will allow you to select the Rarity, Item type and Item base as well as name the item. Once you create it, it will bring that item into the edit dialogue to the right of the All Items window, and you will be able to finish crafting it and add it to the build! This method is how you add non-unique flasks, magic items or non-tier 1 bases to your build.

It is important to note, that you do not want to craft perfect items for a build you plan to do. This is because you will likely never find these items or have to pay a fortune to even get one. I always recommend keeping your gearing options open and relying on mid to high tier affixes on items (T3-T2 affixes) and only 4-5 good affixes on an item. This means for something like a ring, to be looking for at least 2 good Resistances, with a Resource(such as Life) and an offensive stat (such as Flat Physical Damage). This will make your final damage and mitigation values much more reasonable to see where your build will be when getting it off the ground. Now of course as you continue your build, you can of course slowly garner better gear to out do what you plan here, but always assume the average case when planning a build!

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Taking this advice into account for our Slayer build, we can make a few adjustments to our generic gear to get some more efficiency and damage for our build, keeping in mind a starter budget.

  • We can change our belt from a rare leather belt to a Belt of the Deceiver to gain more damage through #% increased physical damage as well as intimidation, without loosing too much life.
  • We can craft on physical damage to our other ring as it has no offensive stats on it.
  • We can add generic jewels to the remaining jewel sockets

You can of course make further adjustments as you see fit! We should now check the configuration tab to ensure that we have proper buffs and enemy selection made to see our true damage and mitigation values!


In the configuration tab, we have the ability to adjust a whole swath of different settings to get proper damage and mitigations while in certain scenarios. There are a few different sections to look at:


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In this section we can adjust our Resistance Penalty, Enemy Level (by default this is set to your character level up to the current enemy max level of 84), Enemy Physical Hit Damage for calculation on your physical damage reduction and Ignite calculation. For the most part, you can just leave all settings in this tab as default.

When In Combat

This section is one of the most important sections, as it allows you to enable all of your buffs that you will have while in combat. This section will expand and contract based on what class, passives, skills and items you have selected. For the most part, you will want to check off what buffs you will see active while mapping, which will show you your best scenario DPS. For our Slayer build, we will enable the following:

  • Frenzy Charges from Blood Rage
  • Endurance Charges from Enduring Cry
  • Onslaught from Slayer’s Bane of Legends
  • Killed Recently from Slayer’s Headsman

If we are going to be in an extended length single target boss fight, such as Shaper or Guardians, you will want to drop mods that require certain triggers or on kill effects. This means for our Slayer we would have to drop:

  • Frenzy Charges from Blood Rage
  • Onslaught from Slayer’s Bane of Legends
  • Killed Recently from Slayer’s Headsman – If there are no summoned monsters

For Effective DPS

In Effective DPS, we can select many of the hidden configurations that are applied to monsters, rather than direct buffs to ourselves. This includes things such as the enemy being Maimed, Intimidated, Blinded, Shocked and many more. You can also select whether or not the enemy is a Regular Enemy, a Standard Map boss or an Endgame Boss such as a Guardian or Shaper. This is very important to select when calculating your damage against these targets as they are much more defensive, having more resistance and curse reduction than the regular map monsters, greatly reducing your damage! Again, like the When In Combat section, more options will be added to the section depending what class, passives, skills and items you have selected. For example, if you have allocated Elemental Equilibrium, you can select what Element the enemy was last hit by, such that you correctly calculate your damage with it.

For our Slayer Build, we will enable the following:

  • Enemy is Maimed – from our Maim support
  • Enemy is Intimidated – from Belt of the Deceiver

Map Modifiers & Player Debuffs

Finally is the Map Modifiers & Player Debuffs section where you can add each and every one of the existing map modifiers in the game. This allows you to see how your build will perform under certain map mod conditions and tell whether or not you will be in trouble with certain map modifiers. For the most part when planning a build, you do not need to worry about this configuration tab, but it is very useful if you want to see how far you can theoretically push your build!


So now that we have our Passive Tree, Skill Gems, Items and Configurations figured out, let us go ahead and take a look at our final calculations!


This tab is for the true mathematical minds, as it contains all of the information on how all the calculations are made for each skill’s damage or mitigation, as well as your character’s generic offensive and defensive data.

Starting from the top left white window labeled View Skill Details, we can can select which skill we want to look at. You can also select the part of the skill you wish to examine and the calculation mode (this selects which configurations are enabled). For us, we will be selecting the Earthquake skill, and be looking at the Initial Impact of the skill.

In the orange window below labeled Skill Hit Damage we can see the calculated skill damage per second, as well as all of damage types, percentage increases/decreases, more/less modifiers, average hit damage and mana cost. Now the best part about all these values, is you can hover over them with your mouse to see exactly how they are calculated. The hover tooltip will display all sources or modifiers to the selected value (you can also click these to keep them displayed without having to keep your mouse hovered). This adds a great amount of transparency into how the tool calculates its values, along with showing you what exactly is affecting your damage to get the best value from your passive points, skills and itemization.

In all of the smaller orange windows below, you can see further offensive stats for your selected skill, such as attack rate, accuracy, critical strike chance, life leech and many others. A very useful calculation and visual under Skill type-specific stats is the Weapon Range or Radius calculation. This shows the final area of effect radius of your chosen skill, if it has an area of effect tag. Mousing over this will display the radius around an example in game photo to let you see the actual area that is covered by that radius. This allows you to properly figure out if you have invested enough into area of effect!

In the blue & white windows to the right, you will be able to see all of your defensive stats and attributes. These provide robust information on your final damage type mitigations. Always make sure to keep an eye on these as you adjust your character! This tab has a wealth of information and I recommend you take some time to look through it on your builds to get an understanding for all it provides.

Final Slayer Path of Building Code: https://pastebin.com/ty6dEsUf

Build Import & Export

You also have the ability to import and export builds in the Import/ExportBuild tab. You can import builds from two different sources:

  1. From public profiles with Character Import
  2. From a Path of Building generated code with Build Sharing

Character Import


Importing from public profiles is really simple and quick. You first type in the name of the profile you wish to check, for our example we will look at my profile EngineeringEternity. Then press start to pull the list of characters that exist on the profile. After selecting the correct character from the drop down menu, you can then choose to import the passive tree and jewels, as well as the items and skills that are on the character. Along with this, you can also choose to delete any existing items and skills on the build you are importing into. This allows you to select which parts of the build you wish to import, and what parts of the current build you wish to remove so that items and skills are cluttered or over written.

Build Sharing

Here you can import a build from a pure Path of Building code, or from a Pastebin link that includes that code. For the most part, builds are shared through Pastebin. So as we did before, you will want to:

  1. Click Import from Pastebin
  2. Paste a Pastebin link into the dialogue.
  3. Click Import to validate the code
  4. Click Import again to import the build

This will cleanly import the build from where its owner left it last.

You can also easily generate a code for your current build to export by just pressing the Generate button within this section. This will generate the raw Path of Building code that you can copy, or you can create a pastebin for that code by pressing Share with Pastebin. You can then copy that code your clipboard by pressing copy and then give the code out to anyone you wish, making sharing builds very quick and easy!

Managing Builds

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Finally, you are also able to manage many builds within Path of Building. Pressing << Back will bring you to the folder and build management portion of the software. This is where any builds you have created and saved will be stored, and of course, since you just installed the tool, you will only have the build we have been working on. At the top of the screen you will first have the basic options of creating a New Build or Folder available to you with no builds.

Once you have some builds created, such as the one we were working on, you can make adjustments to your build organization via the remaining buttons above the builds list. You can Open, Copy, Rename and Delete builds as basic functions. You can also create new folders & subfolders to more easily organize your builds with the New Folder button. Once you create a folder, you can drag and drop builds into the folders, much like a regular file explorer. You are also able to sort your build list by name, class or last edited!

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If you wish to back these builds up or directly move a build to another computer, you can find all of them in My Documents/Path of Building/Builds/ as .xml files.


Path of Building is one of the best, all inclusive, build theorycrafting and adjusting tools that is out there. You get access and insight into all of the hidden calculations of mechanics and ability to see final offensive and defensive numbers for your build. I highly recommend that everyone give this tool a try, as it will help you learn a lot more about builds and building a character. As always, thanks for watching and I’ll see you in the next one exile.

Last Updated on by